Fostering a Recovery Community Amid Rising Opioid and Stimulant Use

September 14, 2021

Cara Ludlow (left) and Dawn Kepler (right)In this SpartanDO Expert Take blog, Cara Ludlow and Dawn Kepler shared their insight into early intervention and the importance of recovery allies for those striving toward recovery from substance use.


Michigan State University fosters a robust recovery community anchored by passionate practitioners, who guide and support those seeking help for substance use disorders (SUD).

In honor of National Recovery Month—which highlights new evidence-based treatments and addiction recovery practices, encourages strong recovery communities, and honors the service providers and community members who make recovery in all its forms possible—Dawn Kepler, MSU’s Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) coordinator, and Cara Ludlow, the university’s Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) program coordinator, are shining a light on the services available to students as well as offering advice to future doctors, who will inevitably encounter patients battling a SUD.

SUD has been recognized as a chronic brain disease by the American Medical Association since 1956. Its steady rise means that...

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